The UK’s biggest abortion provider, British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), has attacked pharmacists who do not sell the ‘morning after pill’ for conscience reasons. After one incident where a pharmacist would not dispense emergency contraception to a woman for ‘personal’ reasons, BPAS condemned both the […]
Protecting Freedom of Conscience
As Christians we are called to respect the governing authorities as they are instituted by God himself (Romans 13:1,2). But are there limits? What should we do if they try to force us to do something we believe is wrong? The ‘Free Conscience’ campaign, launched […]
Good news for freedom of conscience in the UK
For some time we have been concerned at CMF about a possible weakening of conscience protection for pharmacists in the UK. In December 2016 the pharmacy regulator, the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC), issued new draft standards and guidance that changed a previous ‘right to refer’ […]
New study threatens midwives’ freedom of conscience on abortion
In the latest bid to circumvent the increasing number of younger doctors being unwilling to perform abortions, a new report has challenged the need for some surgical abortions to be undertaken by doctors at all. Sally Sheldon, a Law Professor at the University of […]
New parliamentary inquiry launched to review freedom of conscience in abortion
A new parliamentary inquiry into freedom of conscience over abortion has just been launched. Commissioned by Fiona Bruce MP, it seeks to examine whether the Conscience Clause in the 1967 Abortion Act provides adequate protection for doctors and other healthcare professionals who do not wish […]