How do you transform the world? Marx thought it would be by the revolution of the proletariat regaining the means of production from the bourgeoisie. Motorola thought it would be ensuring that every man, woman and child on the planet had their own mobile phone […]
Off Target? Do we have faith in the Sustainable Development Goals?
I remember sitting in a small room at Trinity Western University, British Columbia on a hot day in July 2003, hearing about an exciting, new, joint initiative of the World Evangelical Alliance and the Micah Network for Integral Mission. Called ‘The Micah Challenge’, its aim was […]
Whither now for the Millennium Development Goals?
With just over three years left to run, and the body still breathing, the post-mortem on the Millennium Development Goals has begun. Agreed at the UN Millennium Summit 2000, the goals (often referred to as the MDGs) were a global commitment to eight areas of […]
Happy Birthday NHS: Let’s not let a national good become a national god
Today (5 July 2018) marks seventy years since the world’s first, free-at-the-point of delivery, universal access, national healthcare system was launched. Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) has become so much a part of the fabric of British life and culture in those seven decades that […]
Reforming the WHO: Can the new General Secretary really be an agent for positive change?
Overshadowed by the coverage of the horrific terrorist attack in Manchester last month, the British media largely missed the election of the new General Secretary of the World Health Organisation on 23 May: Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (or Dr Tedros, as he now styles himself). A former […]